Using Factory Boy testing Django Application

Posted by Kyle Ding on August 20, 2017

Recently I attended a workshop about web security. During these hours I learnt quite a lot but one thing got my attention- JWT. Based on that I decided to write a blog post series about how to use JSON Web Tokens in simple django application. Today it is the first part of this series.

What is JWT?

JWT aka JSON Web Tokens is a method of authentication. What it does: You as a user first send a request to the server saying: I want to login! And server gives you in response a long sequence of characters. As you get this sequence you can use it as a way to tell the server that you are the person you really are.

In a more technical sense: you send a request which logs you to service for example headers with login and password. In response, you got encrypted token. Then you want to get some info about another resource on the server that requires authentication. So to your request you simply add one more header with previously received token and that’s all! You are authenticated.

JSON Web Token looks like this:


The header is a JSON that consists of a type of token (JWT) and which hash algorithm will be used (HMAC SHA256 or RSA). HMAC stands for keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code. Message Authentication Code (MAC) is used to confirm that message comes from the good sender and its integrity has not been changed. Keyed-Hash stands for hashing MAC in combination with a secret key.

The payload contains the claims. Claim store information user wants to transmit and server can use to properly handle authentication. There are a lot of registered claims but we will use only:

  • “exp” (Expiration Time) Claim
  • “nbf” (Not Before Time) Claim
  • “iss” (Issuer) Claim
  • “aud” (Audience) Claim
  • “iat” (Issued At) Claim

Payload will look like this:

  "exp": "1234567890",
  "name": "Krzysztof Zuraw",

Last part is a signature. It is basically the sum of all previously mentioned parts encoded in base64 + secret.

How can you use JWT and why?

When you get your response back from a server with JSON Web Token you can use it in header like this:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT token>

In comparison with another method of authentication: SAML, JWT is more compact. JSON format is widely used in programming word so there is no problem with parsers for that format.

That’s all for today and stay tuned for the next post in blog series about JWT!